5 Ways for Raising Confident Readers  

 Building strong reading skills in children creates better writers, stronger communicators, and more confident people. Although we often teach reading through the various technological methods such as websites, programs, packages, and even low-tech flashcards, we can’t underestimate the organic route. By seamlessly weaving reading games into daily activities and routines, we add fun to the learning process and help demonstrate real-world application.   

Regular chores present the opportunity for an enjoyable reading lesson. Below are five ways to help grow confident readers during a simple grocery store visit. You and a child can point out and read letters and/or words on:

1.     license plates

2.     street signs and stores

3.     a neatly written or typed grocery list

4.     cereal boxes and other in-store treats for your shopping cart

5.     recipes that you and your child shop for and tackle at home. 

Reading doesn’t have to be a chore. A confident reader is a life-long learner who is ready to navigate future challenges. What other regular tasks can help boost your child’s reading skills and confidence? Share in the comments!