All of Those Babies

Some kiddos celebrate growing up, while others resist it. Either way, this snappy, rhyming book reminds readers that everyone grows, as this story shows, from the cutest multicultural toddlers to the most unusual baby animals—everyone, everyone grows. Readers will love the bold, gorgeous graphic illustrations and repetitive phrase that invites children to read along. All of Those Babies is a perfect book for home and school libraries.

Line Up!

This fall, about 200 people in Michigan formed a human chain to move books from their small library to a much larger library building. It’s the perfect picture of the power of one plus one making a huge difference.

During a time when libraries struggle to maintain funding, it’s awesome to see the Ypsilanti District Library’s Superior Branch, not just surviving, but thriving and pulling their community together. You can see photos and read the brief article by clicking on the photo (above).

Why Read to Readers?

Once children can read on their own, parents think their part is done, but reading aloud to children is about more than teaching them to read.  Listen to the video below to hear why parents should continue to read to older readers.

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