
Reading helps expand your vocabulary and more. Click the photo below to hear all about it from an inspiring early reader.

Photo: Henrique Faria from Pixaby

Most readers want to see their story told in the pages of a book. Checkout Book Tube, Jr. where budding young readers grow into writers. For details, click the photo below.

Photo by Christ Poe via Pixaby

If you want to learn about American history, why not read about someone who lived it? The “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave recounts a story from bondage to freedom. Click on the picture to learn more: 

I met and chatted with Frederick Douglass’ great-great grandson. Here’s where he signed the book.

I met and chatted with Frederick Douglass’ great-great grandson. Here’s where he signed the book.


Click below to see when young adults prefer reading to watching TV.

Click the picture below to read an  interview with Mattie, teen reader.

You've probably heard your parents and teachers talk about the importance of reading. Guess what? They're right. Experts say that early and frequent reading helps students perform better in school. Even if you prefer STEM, reading will help you in those areas, too. 

If books aren't your favorite thing, then wander into your library or bookstore and browse around. Select books that fit your personality. Before long, you'll have a whole new appreciation for reading.

But, if reading feels particularly difficult, let a teacher or a parent know so that you can find ways to make reading more enjoyable. When you find a great book, don't be shy about sharing it with us in the blog area or on the Contact page.